RecelFA - a Recel 3 MPU based on a low cost FPGA
This is a 1:1 functional replacement of an original Recel3 MPU.
For easy replacement allmost all chips of RecelFA are in Through-Hole Technology (THT).
Recel3 games supported
Poker Plus - Fair Fight - Crazy Race - Mr Evil - Torneo - Mr Doom - Swashbuckler - Don Quijote
Black Magic 1 player - Black Magic 4 players - The Flipper Game - Hot & Cold - Alaska - Cavalier - Screech
Features in Version 1.0
- 1:1 replacement, size & connectors are same as on original CPU
- roms on SD card
- game selection via DIP Switch
- NVRAM stored in EEPROM, no battery needed
- optional background sound via integrated amplifier and seperate speaker
- optional speed boot
- serial console for memory dump
Features planed
- Mission Pinball Framework (MPF) interface
- alternative sounds
- selftest and adjustment menue
- test via serial console
- ...
parts needed
Apart from the RecelFA PCB preassembled by JLCPCB you need a few ICs, an optional MP3 'Miniplayer' and two micro SD cards.
See my Reichelt shop cart for details
In addition you also need a FPGA and an USB Blaster to be able to program your FPGA. Have a look at my FPGA page to select which one you want to use.
Documentation & Software
how to order your RecelFA PCB
Have a look to the PCB documentation section.
Needed Gerber Data, BOM and Component Placement List (CPL) you find on my repository server