attract mode for Gottlieb System1 games
The original rom code for Gottlieb System1 games do not contain a routine for an 'attract mode'
With LISY1 and GottFA1 / GottFA1_PLuS you can add your own attract mode for these games by just editing a 'csv files' with the attract mode commands. With LISY1 you can directly use these csv files, for GottFA1 the files need to be converted into an 'FPGA readable' format.
For details have a look to the user manuals of LISY1 & GottFA1 on how to do this.
I have created some, very basic, attract modes for all the system1 games. You can find the correpondig csv files on my repository server. If you create a more advanced version for your game please let me know and I will be happy to share it on my repository.
game mapping
000_attract.csv Cleopatra
001_attract.csv Sinbad
002_attract.csv Joker Poker
003_attract.csv Dragon
004_attract.csv Close Encounters of the Third Kind
005_attract.csv Charlie's Angels
006_attract.csv Solar Ride
007_attract.csv Count-Down
008_attract.csv Pinball Pool
009_attract.csv Totem
010_attract.csv The Incredible Hulk
011_attract.csv Genie
012_attract.csv Buck Rogers
013_attract.csv Torch
014_attract.csv Roller Disco
015_attract.csv Asteroid Annie and the Aliens